Service & Repair
Blue screen of death? Start here!

Fixing things when they go wrong.
We are pretty passionate about the relationship between you and us. We try to fix all problems ourselves, even during unsociable hours. Afterall, you pay us to fix issues - you shouldnt have to fix it yourself with instructions over the phone.
For our customers in the Midlands, a home visit is our preferred solution. For customers outside of this, we aim to fix issues by remote connection or via email. We arent a huge national business, which is why our unique selling point has always been the ability to offer support outside of working hours (see our contact page).
Unlike some other PC repair firms, we dont charge for anything unless work is travelling costs, no call-out fees and no minimum charge. If we need to actually do something to your computer, we charge, otherwise, we dont! If it takes us 15 minutes to fix your ailing computer, 15 minutes is what you pay for. Our fees are also some of the lowest around, half that of some of our rivals!

Our on-going care package.

You wouldnt leave your car running without a regular service, so why leave your PC?
Our service plans have grown in popularity over the years and with good reason. In our experience, 90% of your errors, shutdowns and slow running issues can be solved by looking after the hardware and software on a regular basis.
With a service plan, we visit you every six months, clean up your software, clean your registry, get rid of the junk and give the inside of your computer a spring clean. It never ceases to amaze us how many people are shocked by the amount of dust and cobwebs we show them when opening up their PC cases - all of which leads to poor airflow, clogged up fans and failing components.
Most people dont want to run the risk of damaging their PC by poking around inside with a vacuum and a duster or deleting something they shouldnt. We take the responsibility off you by insuring our work. We can tell you if a part needs replacing and will quote before we do anything beyond a simple service.
Only available to customers in selected counties, please see the map here.

Time to boost your PC?
We are always more than happy to offer advise and solutions as to if and when you should upgrade your personal computer. We arent in the business of pushing upgrades when they are not needed and always quote for work in advance.
We use only the very best components available from some of the worlds leading companies. You will never be saddled with an inferior part and we replace like for like brands where we can.
Again, we only ever charge if we have to do some work, we offer free and impartial advise via email and facebook so please feel free to grab us! Please note we cannot offer this over the phone.
Fees: None for initial email advice, if we need to spend some time researching your question, we will let you know if there will be any charge before we do it.
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